Hi. I’m Camryn! I’m an adventurous and energetic girl who loves being a part of what you’re up to! I love to play! I sleep SO well through the night on the bed and housetraining is coming along really well! My foster mom feels I am so good in the house that there has been […]
Hi. I’m Summer from the Canadian Olympians litter! I’m a sweetheart little girl who loves to play BUT loves to be cuddling in your lap MORE! I am not housetrained yet but I am getting the hang of using peepads, and not yet crate trained. I get so excited when I see other dogs/puppies/cats, but […]
Hi. I’m Ringo. I’m a very young boy who loves to play. I am working on housetraining and I am really good at doing everything outside if you remember to give me regular breaks (otherwise, I know how to use the pee pads). I don’t need a crate and I sleep well at night on […]
Hi. I’m Vic. My foster family call me Victor. I’m a sweet and gentle guy who loves to be close to my people, all the time. I love playing with my foster brother and dog friends. I love to explore with my people! I met a kitten once and I sure wanted to play with […]
Hi I’m Otto of the Garfield litter. I’m an active boy who loves these squeaky toy things and talking with them. I also love food and playing ruff with my brothers and giving sloppy kisses. I’m still learning house training but I haven’t pooped in my pen in weeks! I’m still young and just learning […]
Hi I’m Nolan of the Garfield litter. I’m a laid back kinda guy. I love to run and play ruff with my brothers, but I also like to hang back and watch things, look into human eyes and give nice kisses. I’m still learning house training but I haven’t pooped in my pen in weeks! […]
I’m Kelvin and I’m ready to bulldoze my way into your life! Seriously bulldoze! My favourite thing to do is crawl/jump into an empty lap and make sure whatever it was you were doing is now all about me. I have so much love to give and it will hurt sometimes. I’m going to step on […]
Hi! My name is Prime! I am a little boy in size, currently smaller than my foster cats so I may likely be asmaller dog in stature. I’m an active and curious boy who loves my toys and playing with my big canine foster sister and myfeline foster brothers. I haven’t met any kids yet […]
Hi. I’m Grace. I came into care with my sister Potter. I’m a mischievous and energetic girl who loves to run and play. I am working on housetraining. I go outside most of the time but sometimes have an occasional accident. I am learning to walk on a leash and I know how to sit, […]
Hi I’m Potter. I came in with my sister Grace. I’m an energetic and friendly girl who loves to play and be active. I am housetrained and sleep in my kennel all night. I am learning and progressing every day. I sit and lay down when asked and I am learning to be patient when […]