Foster homes are the backbone of our rescue and we are proud to say we are one of Canada’s largest 100% foster based rescues. We feel that foster homes offer our rescue dogs a unique opportunity to experience immediate shelter and needs, while learning immediately what it feels like to be loved in a home. We love seeing dogs learn what it means to play with toys, sleep in a space that’s warm and safe, and figure out how to behave around kids, other cats and dogs.
At Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue we have approximately 100 registered foster homes and every month we have on average 45 foster homes with dogs in them. We have fosters in many areas of the province including Gimli, Portage La Prairie, Steinbach, Teulon, Beausejour and Morris. We place our dogs in a variety of home environments including rural properties, farms, homes in the city and condos – whatever suits the needs of the dog.
Some of our homes are veteran fosters, they take on some of our more difficult cases of dogs with separation anxiety, fear issues or major health concerns. We welcome brand new fosters every month and are always on the lookout to recruit more. Our foster community is approachable, experienced and come with equal amounts of helpful advice and humour. There’s a niche group of fosters who are proud to “foster fail”. While it sounds negative, it’s actually a wonderful time in fostering where you realize the foster you have in your home is best suited to live there happily ever after. Of course, with each foster fail it sometimes mean we lose a foster home, which lead us back to the point where we are constantly recruiting more fosters.