Well hello there! I’m Anne from the Bronte sister litter. We are an adorable bunch of grey fluffs. I am the shy one of the trio but I still love my head scratches. My sisters and I are all very quick to purr. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate […]
ADOPTION PENDING – NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Well hello there! I’m Charlotte from the Bronte sister litter. We are an adorable bunch of grey fluffs. Don’t mind my pink collar, it’s just tough to tell the difference between my sister Emily and I. I am the curious one of the bunch. I was the first […]
Well hello there! I’m Emily from the Bronte sister litter. We are an adorable bunch of grey fluffs. I am the most affectionate one of the bunch and I love to climb up my foster moms leg for some head scratches. My sisters and I are all very quick to purr. I am fully litter […]
Adoption fee sponsored! Hi, I’m Nyla! I’ve been a house cat for two glorious weeks now, and it suits me so much I’m looking for a home to call my own forever. The night before Canada Day, just a half-hour before a huge thunderstorm, a kind Winnipeg couple found me hiding alone under their deck. […]
Hi. I’m Tick! I got my name because I was found on a farm alone, and I had a ton of ticks my foster family needed to take off me. I’m all good now, but my foster mom didn’t seem to enjoy that at all. I’m a playful, beautiful young girl that loves to play with my […]
Hello! My name is Alvin from the Chipmunks litter. I am as brave as a kitten can be! I love to walk up and ask to be picked up but then I want play and play! I am perfectly comfortable with the three dogs I’ve met so far and the cats who live in my […]
Hello, my name is Simon from the chipmunks litter. I am the quietest of my siblings and sometimes I like to know a situation before I rush in, but I do love a short cuddle and I even tolerate all the kisses I get at my foster home. I also am very comfortable with the […]
Hello! My name is Theodora from the Chipmunks litter. I am a tiny kitten with a tiny voice. I have silky soft fur and big ears! I am very comfortable with my foster siblings – both cats and dogs and people. When I see people I walk toward them with a happy tail and I […]
ADOPTION FEE SPONSORED* I’m Alpha. I have been mistaken for my twin Beta, but that’s alright because pretty sure, I’m my foster mom’s favourite!! I am usually the instigator of all shenanigans but still like all the cuddles, smooches and pets that I get (see ? Favourite!) We were saved with our other siblings from […]
ADOPTION FEE SPONSORED* I’m Beta. I’m a twin to my sister Alpha but I’m the cute one…lol! Our foster mom thinks so too! I’m loving this thing called cuddling and am adoring pets and ear scratches. I am so smart I even know when you are not using both hands and give you a little […]