
Hello I’m Guy from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I am the only grey one […]


Hello I’m Keys from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I am big into cuddling and […]


Hello I’m Mouser from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I love my humans and purr […]


Hello I’m Antwan from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I used to be the scaredy […]


Hello I’m Keith from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I should have been called Monkey […]


Hello I’m Buddy from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I am a food-a-holic, I LOVE […]


Hello I’m Dude from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. I am the runt of a […]


Hello I’m Millie from the Free Guy litter. We are an adorable bunch of fluffs made up of two different litters. We came into care a few weeks ago from the same farm in Southern MB. I am fully litter trained and am learning to scratch on appropriate things. My foster mom thinks I should […]


Hello! My name is Beaver and I am a very active kitten. I play hard and love to chase my brother and play with toys. I also love to cuddle with my mom. I come running when she calls me and snuggle into her lap and I sometimes reach out to touch her face with […]


Hello, my name is Micro and I am an active and loving kitten. I play so hard with my brother and we chase each other all over! I run to foster mom when she calls me so that I can crawl into her lap and snuggle and purr. My brother and I purr so loudly […]