
  • Age: 2 years, 11 months (2022-03-25)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi! I am Stabler, one of the Cops Litter! I’m the smallest boy who does not resemble my brothers too much with my looks and longer fur nor in personality.

I’m a sweet mellow boy who is very laid back and has a very gentle demeanor. I do play with my brothers but sometimes they play too rough for my liking so I just remove myself and go play with my toys on my dog bed. I value my naptime so sometimes I will find a remote place to sleep so my brothers don’t come and bug me. Overall, I’m a pretty quiet pup except when I screech when my brothers pin me down and on rare occasions I do let out a howl.

I am not crate trained; we all sleep in a pen during the day and our own room at night.

I am not house trained yet and still have accidents before I get to the pad or out the door on time; taking me out on a regular basis will cut down on the house accidents.

I like being outside and like to check around the yard in case something is new since I was last out.

I’m a handsome affectionate boy looking for a family to call my own, teach me lots of things I need to know, and shower me with a ton of love.

Are you ready for a lovebug like me?

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]