ADOPTION PENDING – NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONSHi, I’m Rainbow! And you’ve guessed it, I’m a colourful girl and always keep things exciting! My playful nature and energy are one of my greatest attributes. I especially enjoy chasing strings with the help of my foster hooman. Having a furry friend to play with is my second […]
Hi, I’m Rainy! I was named this partly because the night my sister and I were rescued there was a rainstorm, and partly because my fur is so silky it always looks like I’m wet. Our mom was killed by a coyote so we had to be bottle fed from the day we were found […]
Hi, I’m Stormie! I was named this because the night my sister and I were rescued there was a rainstorm. Our mom was killed by a coyote so we had to be bottle fed from the day we were found at 2 weeks old. I am an active, vocal girl who’s very playful. I am […]
Hi I’m Panther! I’m a spunky girl looking for a loving family to call home. I always use my litter and I even come when you call for me! I have lots of energy and love to play with the weirdest stuff – drain plug, screwdriver… you name it and I’ll play with it! I […]
Hello! I’m Letty, momma to the Fast and Furious litter. I’m an extremely affectionate lady who loves belly rubs and cuddles. I am fully litter box trained, although I do like to make a mess sometimes, so a litter box with a lid helps me keep the litter inside the box. I’m doing pretty good […]
Hi, my name is Joel and I’m searching for a special home! You see, until I was rescued a couple of weeks ago, I had always been taught by my feral mama that humans were scary and I should stay far away from them. I did such a good job that the rescuers didn’t even […]
Hi there! My name is Billy- or William when I’m being a troublemaker. I’m a little bit shy at first but overall a very social kitten! I am happiest when I have company- any species will do! When I’m with my humans, I love to snuggle and follow you around like a little floofy shadow. […]
Hi, I’m Nox! I’m a playful little girl! I’ve built my reputation as a finger shark but I swear I’m not as vicious as that sounds. Plus, I’m still a silly baby and I’m working on my manners. Since I’m the playful type, I would love a furry friend that can keep up with me […]
Hello! I’m Tej from the Fast and Furious litter. I’m a curious, spunky boy who loves finding anything and everything to play with. My good manners are improving everyday, and I know exactly where my litter box is and how to use it! I’m a 50/50 kitten. Half the time I’m a crazy kid who […]
Hello! I’m Giselle from the Fast and Furious litter. I’m a quiet girl who would rather snuggle up and nap than run around. I am learning new things everyday, and I know exactly where my litter box is and how to use it! If like to find secret nap spots and spend most of my […]