Home > Foster With Us > Online Foster Application

Online Foster Application

    Applicant Information

    Contact Number

    Other Phone (optional)


    Landlord Info (If Applicable)

    If you live in a rental apartment, condo or rent your home we need the name and number of rental agency or landlord.

    Landlord's Phone Number


    (non-family references please)

    Reference #1
    Reference #2

    Foster Animal Information

    Please identify the type of dog(s) you would be comfortable / qualified / willing to foster (check all that apply)


    Please identify the type of cat(s) you would be comfortable / qualified / willing to foster (check all that apply)


    Household Information

    ruralurbanwoodedopen acreagewaterfronthighway frontageproperty bordering highway

    General Information



    * Its a potential conflict of interest and safety issue when fosters work with multiple rescues and that out of respect, we will be contacting the rescue director of the rescue you previously fostered with for a reference.

    Foster Home Agreement

    As a Foster Parent, I understand that:
    • Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue is the legal guardian of the foster animal until it is adopted and the Directors will make all decisions determining its medical care and safety. I will adhere to all recommendations regarding training and discipline as outlined by Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue staff, such as crate training and positive reinforcement.
    • I am responsible for the well being of the foster animal while it is under my care.
    • All other cats and/or dogs in the foster home need to have up to date vaccinations and be spayed/neutered.
    • The foster animal is the responsibility of the people in my household and I will not place it in the care of anyone else without the knowledge and consent of the Foster Manager.
    • Supplies are provided by Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue and I agree to return them once the foster animal in my care has been adopted.
    • Transportation related to my foster animal is my responsibility, including vet appointments, supply pickup, etc.
    • Additional items purchased will not be reimbursed unless authorized by the Directors ahead of time.
    • Should health concerns arise with the foster animal, or should they run away, I am to report it immediately to the Directors.
    • If I choose to integrate this foster animal with my animals, any vet bills for my animals is not the responsibility of Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue.
    • Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue Inc. strongly recommends that all household occupants are up to date with tetanus and rabies vaccinations.
    • Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue Inc. strongly recommends discussing the risk factors of fostering stray animals with their family physician and veterinarian (if applicable).
    • When my foster animal is adopted, I will submit any and all paperwork and payment received immediately to Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue.
    • When my foster animal is adopted, I will not be responsible to collect the adoption fee in any form.

    Having Trouble? If you have trouble submitting this form, please clear your browser cache and try again (For instructions see: How to Clear Browser Cache) or try another browser. If that doesn't work please contact us at fosterintake@manitobamutts.org for assistance.

    Note: We will try to respond within 48 hours of receiving your application. If you haven't heard from us, please check your email spam folder and contact us if you have not received a reply.