
  • Age: 3 years, 3 months (2021-11-22)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi there, my name is Waldorf from the Salad Litter!

When I came into care I was around 4 days old and now I’m so grown up, well not really, but my fosters say I am such a smart boy and have come really far for such a young pup.
I am also super handsome. 

I love to play with all kinds of toys and my foster dog brother.  I love romping around inside and out.  For such a small puppy I am apparently great at not chewing things I’m not supposed to and listen amazingly when told no if something does catch my eye.  I am great with sit, stay and come. Also a huge fan of cuddles on your lap or at your feet. 

Since I have a 4 legged foster brother here, I am sure if you have any other pets I think that would be awesome.   If you don’t no worries I will be fine being the centre of your world all on my own.  I haven’t met any cats but given a chance I am sure we would get along famously.   

The fosters say I am not too nippy in case you have any of those little human people with interesting fingers and toes. But even though I am pretty good, I am a puppy and teething so you should always be careful and watch that I don’t nip too hard.  Just give me something I can have to chew on and I will be super happy.   

It was really cold for a long time so I started a bit late on my outside potty training.  I have things that foster mom calls clear tells when I have to go, I run around and whine a bit.  When I do that I go outside to happily do my business.  I am getting really good at going near the door when I have to go.    If someone doesn’t get to me in time I will run to my paper to go, even if it’s in the  middle of playing I will high tail it to the paper if its urgent.   I am still very young and may have the odd accident but for the most part I am really smart and doing great. 

I have a nice comfy bed that I like to nap on during the day but at night since my brother left I was kind of lonely sleeping by myself in the pen so now I sleep in a Kennel in my foster’s bedroom.  I sleep almost all night, sometimes I just want to hear that foster mom is near and sometimes I have to go but will settle right back down.

I can’t go for walks yet till I get all my shots but I know I will absolutely love going on adventures.

I am being fostered in Pinawa but I guarantee if you come meet me you will fall in love instantly. Please be my forever humans and I’ll give you 100% love right back.

Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/

or contact [email protected]