
  • Age: 3 years, 4 months (2021-10-29)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

My name is Vivian (you can call me Vivey) and I am so eager to find a place to call home. I’m real cute with floppy ears and warm eyes and a jump in my step. 

I am 12 weeks old and I could name my most favourite things in the world:

#1: snow

#2: my tail 

#3: my reflection in the mirror 

I also promise to be your shadow throughout the house because I love to keep you company. 

I am a very scheduled puppy and predictable apparently, because foster mom says shortly after I eat, I poop! And as soon as I wake up I pee! So as long as foster mom remembers that, I’ve been peeing as soon as I get outside on the snow. Foster mom also is teaching me how to ring a teacher bell to go outside and I’m getting it half the time! Sometimes I even hit the bell by accident and we STILL go outside. 

When we go outside, foster mom has to keep me on a leash because our yard is not fenced, so I am really good at walking on a leash and only sometimes take a nip at it or insist on walking myself! 

My teeth are still sharp, but I listen to the word no if you are stern. I know how to sit and come and I am full of energy but when I’m tired, I fall asleep fast! I love my sleep. I have a comfy dog bed but sometimes the floor is just as comfy to sleep on. 

I stay in a kennel at night time and sleep the whole night through after a brief moment of whining before bed time. 

I am still a puppy and if someone is up for it, I would love to join your family 🙂

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]