- Age: 8 months, 23 days (2024-06-18)
- Sex: female
- Breed: mixed
- Size: large (50-80lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Children
Hi, I’m Teena!
I’m an extremely active, goofy and sweet girl who loves to go for walks, wrestle with my foster sibling and play with my stuffies! When I’m not playing, I’m happy to curl up next to you on the couch for some snuggles, or settle in next to the wood stove to soak up the heat.
I am fully housetrained and I will go in my crate without a fight, but I don’t like being left in there and can be quite vocal about it. When I’m left home alone I do need to be in my crate though because I really like to chew on things and I’m still learning what’s safe and what’s not. I am excellent in the vehicle but should be crated to avoid me chewing on or getting into anything I shouldn’t. Due to my vocal ways, apartment-style living isn’t ideal.
I am good with dogs and curious about cats (but not aggressive). Due to my high energy and excitement, I can be a bit jumpy so would do better with older children who can assist in working on my manners.
I still need some practice with walking on a leash but with consistency I improve quickly. I am very smart and trainable, especially when treats are involved! I know how to “sit, lay down, drop it and take nice”. The world is such a fun and interesting place I still need work on my recall and a fenced yard would be best as I sometimes follow my nose too much! I just can’t help it, I love new smells!
I am a very happy, loving and beautiful girl (according to my foster mom). After a rough start in life I’m looking to making up for lost time and finding my forever family to go on adventures with! Do you have room in your home for me?
Medical note:
Teena needs to have a follow-up vet appointment mid April as a final check-up for her previous dental surgery (at the expense of MMDR). We can give you more details.
I am a Manitoba Mutt Super Trooper, please see my link.
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]