
  • Age: 4 years, 15 days (2021-02-28)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Stanley here!

I’m an easy going, fun guy who loves to scootch up close to humans for rubs and cuddles! 

We are still working on potty training and most of the time either my foster mom or my foster sister catch me in time to makeit outside but for me to ask you when I have to go potty is still a work in progress! 
I am also still working on crate training when my foster family is not home. Foster mom leaves a radio on in the roomfor me along with a blanket, a stuffie, chew toys and a treat to keep me busy and can only assume I don’t make much noise for very long. When she comes back I’m just sitting in my kennel waiting but once I see people again I get pretty excited and have words for you, and I know how to use my voice!

I am really good with other dogs and like being around them (I have not been on my own without other dogs yet). I currently living with 2 other dogs, my foster brother is really fast and loves to play, wrestle, share toys and chew on me. Sometimes when we run he knocks me over though – that’s ok sometimes I take a running start and takle him!  Then there are sometimes when foster mom tells us we need to take a break and gives us both other things to chew on! I’ve just started playing with my bigger foster sister she makes scary noises but now I know she’s just trying to play with me and now I have the courage to make noises back at her (I am part Husky). I have even learned how to sit and working on ‘give’. 

I have not yet meet any cats or small kids so would need to be taught how to act and play with both as I am still young and have sharp teeth.

I’m an easy going guy who just wants to hang out with you and explore the world but can still be a bit shy when it comes to new things and feel much safer when my humans are with me so I can scootch up close and look into their eyes while you rub my face and boney chest (it’s slowly getting bigger.) 
Are you the family for me?

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]