
  • Age: 4 years, 8 months (2020-07-06)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi! My name is Sloane!

I’m a sweet girl who loves to be near my people so I will follow you around everywhere whether it’s in the house or outdoors. When we are outdoors, I never stray too far on my unfenced property as I know the limits of where I can go. I listen very well and have excellent recall for a puppy my age and will come running when you call me.

I live with two bigger dogs and have so much fun playing with them and doing zoomies around them until I’m so tired I will just flop down to nap. Otherwise, for the most part, I am a pretty laid back girl just content to quietly play with my toys or chew on my bones.

I am fully house trained, have been since the day I arrived and have never had an accident in the house. I will go sit quietly at the door to wait for you to let me out.

I am crate trained but don’t like to be locked in and may cry at first but I settle down quickly and go to sleep. Currently, I am only crated now when my foster parents go out which isn’t very often as they are both retired. I’m pretty excited when they get home but have learned to settle down and sit quietly before I am let out. I have proven that I don’t need to be crated overnight; I sleep all night and if I do wake up, I will quietly play with my toys and wait until you get up in the morning to let me out to potty.

I’m a smart girl and eager to please! I’ve pretty well learned not to raid the garbage, counter surf and not to steal the other dogs’ food at meal time but still need direction on occasion. I am still working on stealing those shoes that I love to hoard on my dog bed and not to chase the grouchy senior cat when he’s walking around the house even though we can sleep on the same couch together.

I’m usually a quiet girl but will bark at unfamiliar sounds, if I think someone is at the door or people that walk by; foster mom tells me I learned that from my foster siblings and she’s probably right. Monkey see, monkey do, they say!

I haven’t had much practice with a leash yet as I can’t go for walks yet so I am hoping you can help with that as well as teach me a few new tricks. I haven’t met any kids yet but I’m sure I would like them but please use caution with the tiny ones as I am in teething mode right now and still learning not to nip those fingers with toy diversion.

So who needs a gorgeous friendly girl to share your life with and follow you around on all those adventures we will go on?

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]