- Age: 4 years, 5 months (2020-10-02)
- Sex: male
- Breed: mixed
- Size: medium (30-50lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hi, My name is Shawn from the Boy Meets World Litter!
What can I say, just look at this face, pretty cute huh? I am a pretty calm little dude that loves to play with my brother, foster sister or anyone that will play with me. I also love to play with my toys. I don’t mind being outside especially on the nice days we have had but not a fan of the cold. I know I have to go out sometimes like it or not but once I’m out there boy do I have fun. My brother and foster sister are a little crazy sometimes but my size doesn’t stop me from joining in the fun and giving as good as I get. I can keep up with the bigger than me’s no problem.
If you happened to have other 4 legers or those little human things I think it would be great and we would all get along so well. I am a puppy though so watch out, sometimes I like to sneak up an give your toes a nip when you’re not looking. I am a very chill boy but do love to chew on things so if it’s something I’m not supposed to chew, just hand me a toy and I will chew on that instead. I’m still young and curious and we all know, pups will be pups but I’m learning.
I am paper trained but sometimes forget that just because my front paws are on the paper doesn’t mean the rest of me is however most of the time I do it just right. I do my business outside when you take me out, If you will be just a little bit patient with me and take me out regularly I know I will get it in no time at all. You just might have to keep an eye on me for a bit while you get to know my tells that let you know I have to go.
I am good with snuggling in my kennel. Sometimes my kennel is open in an x pen when I go for a nap and I will come out and use the paper there if I need to. I always go to sleep at bedtime with no trouble at all andwithout fuss.
I can’t go for walks yet, foster mom says I have to wait till I get all my pokey shots before I can do that so that something you can teach me when the time comes.
Are you looking for a gently sweet boy who lives for snuggles and gives lots of love then please pick me and love me as much as I will love you. I am told I deserve only the best.
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]