
  • Age: 3 years, 7 months (2021-07-29)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi There! My name is Rujan which is the Croatian word for September! I’m a sweet little girl who loves to play with my toys and hang around and play outside with my foster family. I even like to wade around in the paddle pool and bob for treats!

I’ve been working really hard on my house training the last few weeks and I am so close to being 100% trained! I haven’t been crate trained yet but we’ll work on that. At night I spend the time in a puppy pen. Most nights I sleep through however there is still the occasional night I need to get up for a quick bathroom break, but I do settle back down to sleep very quickly. Any time my foster family is out I relax in the pen as well. I don’t usually make much of a fuss unless I need a trip outdoors to do my business. 

I LOVE the company of other dogs and cats and will happily play with both however I would also be fine with being an only dog as I’m pretty good about amusing myself when no one else feels like playing. I haven’t met any children however my foster family feels I would likely be good with kids as I’m a fairly gentle girl. Don’t get me wrong, I do have a crazy puppy side that comes out every now and then and I can be a little nippy, but I can easily be distracted with a toy or something that I should have in my mouth! You would just need to watch me around little ones until this phase is over.

I haven’t yet had any experience on a leash so that’s something we can look forward to working on together. As far as walks go, they’ll need to wait another couple months until I’m fully vaccinated. Also, for the next little while, it’s very important I’m only around other dogs who are fully vaccinated, or have positive titre tests, as I came into the loving care of MMDR with Parvo. I’m fully recovered and there won’t be any long term health issues related to my illness, however sometimes Parvo virus will continue to be shed in the little gifts I’ll leave for you in the backyard. That’s why we need to be sure everyone is up to date and safe if they want to play with me! If you need more info about this please feel free to ask the MMDR Adoption Team and my foster family.

Even though I had a bit of a rough start in life and am having tons of fun in my foster home, I’m super ready to find the family of my dreams! If you like to play, spend time outside and snuggle up to watch a great movie I think you might just be the family I’ve been dreaming about!

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]