
  • Age: 1 year, 2 months (2024-01-06)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

I’m Kelvin and I’m ready to bulldoze my way into your life! 
Seriously bulldoze! My favourite thing to do is crawl/jump into an empty lap and make sure whatever it was you were doing is now all about me. I have so much love to give and it will hurt sometimes. I’m going to step on all your body parts, even the sensitive parts because I have no concept of personal space and just want to be close to you. Once I’ve stepped all over you, done a circle in your lap and smashed my tail against your face/shoulder/whatever, I will settle down beside you. Yea maybe I knocked your coffee over, lost the page in your book but the love beaming from my eyes will make you forget all that. 
What else do I like to do?  Chase a ball! Chew sticks! Leave a trail of water after I drink! Fart! And fart spectacularly too. I don’t mind being the fart scapegoat. Frolic in my doggie pool then jump all over you in your clean, dry clothes. Walks are nice because I can meet new people to socialize with and sometimes they give me a treat. 
I like dogs, cats and kids but they all better be tough. Like I said earlier I can love just a little too crazy sometimes. When I get overstimulated I get mouthy with hands, feet and pant legs. My paws have a mind of their own and are often flying around. I’m easily redirected with a game of fetch, a treat, sometimes even just walking away works. So unless you have “bull in a china shop” type of kids I should probably live with older kids. 
Yes, I’m 100% potty trained. I will scratch at the door to go out. I am not crate trained. I eat my meals in a crate but otherwise I free roam. I live with cats and dogs and have access to be inside and outside. I bring sticks into the house and make huge messes and always have playmates to keep me from being bored. If I was left alone all day who knows what I might like to chew. And I will howl and bark my head off too. I need the retired people who will hang with me lots. The people who work from home or who can take me to work. 
So…what do you all think? I’m a nightmare? Never! Just a big goofy lovable pup! I do have a gentle side but it can get overshadowed by my goofiness. Some will read this and think that foster mom has done a terrible job with me but I promise you she is working with me. I’m just a big personality who doesn’t take life too seriously. I survived being hit by a car twice and was close to death so she is letting me enjoy life and not being too tough with me. Others will think what a horrible bio. Well, I’ve been up for adoption for a while with no interest so she is trying to be creative and catch the right person’s attention. Take the leap and apply to meet me! Let me be your Big Lebowski! Your Spicoli! Your Goofy Boy!  

I am a Super Trooper- see my link.

Apply here:
or contact [email protected]