- Age: 3 years, 2 months (2022-01-08)
- Sex: male
- Breed: mixed
- Size: large (50-80lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hi Everyone, my name is Jeff Probst (Survivor)!
I came into care one very scared, skinny pup. I have chunked up a bit and am now a happy, bouncy, loving the heck out of life boy. I am still quite timid of new people and will run away if someone approaches too fast, but let me tell you, once you earn my trust your gonna wish I was still leery of you. That’s a Joke!….maybe. Once I get to know you I will be so happy to play, follow you everywhere you go and I especially love a good cuddle.
I love love love being outside and running around and exploring.
I do have a 4 legged foster brother here where I live now so if you have other..hmmm what’s the word…..oh ya pets, I would be very happy. If not no worries, I will have you to play with and when we aren’t playing together I am still one happy boy to be just playing with my toys on my own. Did you know there are toys that squeak? Craziness!!!!
If you have any of those little human people with those yummy things called fingers and toes you might need to keep close watch as I have sharp little teeth and am a bit nippy. When I get like that I am told ‘no bite‘ and am given something else to chew on. I’m told nipping is a rite of passage for all pups and I will get better when my teeth don’t hurt so much.
I am doing so well with my potty training. If I don’t get your attention in time or you don’t see me at the door I will go to my puppy pad to do my business. Ask foster mom about my ‘tells’, she always seems to know when it’s the right time for going outside.
During the day I sleep wherever I want, usually at someone’s feet, but at night I sleep in a kennel all night long. Sometimes I give a little cry but foster mom just gives me a shhh and I lay right back down because now I’m certain she is still there. I was so scared when I got here that she keeps my kennel close to her at night.
I can’t go for walks yet but have been put into a harness and walked around the yard on a leash, I did amazing if I do say so myself.
I guess the most important thing you should know about me is that I did have a tough start, but I did SURVIVE and made it into care. At my first Vet visit, they heard a funny sound from my heart. Now don’t get too worried, let me tell you the sum of the story and if you have more questions, foster mom or the vetting team can tell you more. I have something called a congenital subaortic stenosis (SAS). The vets tell me many puppies with SAS do really well and are just fine, but as always there are exceptions and because of that Manitoba Mutts will pay for a follow-up ultrasound at the time of my neuter and that should clear any questions about my future. I have zero other symptoms that relate to any cardiac issues. They tell me that in my case, I am a happy, healthy puppy, and that right now my heart function is excellent!! As I said most dogs do just fine with this.
All I know is that I, Jeff Probst from Survivor, survived everything I’ve been through for a reason.
My fosters say they cannot say enough what a wonderful soul I am and I make them laugh every minute of the day with my antics.
Why was I the one that survived, I survived for YOU. We were meant to be together. I have an absolutely amazing life ahead of me to be lived. Can we live it together??
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]