- Age: 8 years, 1 day (2017-03-14)
- Sex: female
- Breed: mixed
- Size: medium (30-50lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Children
Hi. I’m Jazz! I’m a laid back girl who loves to eat and hang out next to you on the couch.
I am fully housetrained and I’m really good with “sit” and “stay”! I am not crate trained since I don’t need one!
I am good with most dogs, but I prefer hanging out with people the most! Maybe you could teach me how to play fetch?
I haven’t met a cat or kids because I can be a little unpredictable and need to learn some manners. It is best I do not live in a home with children as I can get a bit snarly, especially with my food. I am also afraid of loud noises so I need a family that is patient with me.
I love going for walks and I’m great on the leash but I might pull sometimes. I bet a little harness may help!
I am a bright eyed girl would love to go to the park or keep you feet warm on a cold day. Will you take me home?
NOTE: I may have skin allergies but we have them under control right now. Please talk to my foster and our vetting team to find out more about how you can support me with this if it continues in the future.
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]