
  • Age: 3 years, 2 months (2022-01-09)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hi, I'm Isabelle. A pretty independent pup, who loves meeting new people and playing with whatever I'm allowed to, while still learning what these things are.
I am doing great with my potty training and have started to sit at the door and ask to go outside but we still need pee pads down in case humans miss me asking. 
As for kennel training, I do go in there when my foster humans are gone, they give me cool treats or a kong to keep me busy as I'm not much of a fan of being left but I am MOST excited to see you again when you get back. At night foster mom lets me pick my sleeping spot in her room but I end up in the kennel with door open beside her bed.
I love other dogs and currently live with 2. I love to run and ruff play and can be vocal with both my foster sister and brother (they get vocal too) but sometimes can get carried away and they get mad at me and stop playing. That's when foster mom tells I should chew on a bone instead...ok I like bones!

I'm really good at that tug of war game and love to run and fetch things. Sometimes I bring the toy back and other times I just tease you by pawing at you with the toy in my mouth. Sometimes I can even fit 2 toys in my mouth at the same time! I've also learned how to sit and I am working on "give" and shaking just 1 paw at a time.

I have not yet met any cats or small kids - are these things I can eat? Or hold they also get nice kisses? 

I am not able to go for walks yet and not too keen on this leash thing my foster mom puts around my neck sometimes ask it makes me itchy. So I will need more practice with these things as I grow. 
I like to think I am a tuff chick, what’s out there, are you the family for me? 

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