
  • Age: 3 years, 3 months (2021-11-22)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi I’m Ichiban of the Salad litter! If you look up puppy dog eyes in the dictionary, you’ll probably find a picture of me. I am a sweet little floof that loves to give kisses.

I was delayed in going up for adoption due to some wormy tummy issues, but those are all cleared up now.

I currently live with 3 canines and one feline. I love them all. I met one young boy and I LOVED him too. I also met a kitten and he was so much fun to play with.

I am working on house training- even in the crazy cold weather I go outside to do my business. Inside I have pee pads that I hit about 90% of the time.

I sleep in an x-pen overnight and I don’t make a peep until the morning. Playing is my favourite thing and stuffies are the bomb! My foster mom says I have the attention span of a fish the way I jump from toy to toy. I love food too, especially whatever it is you are eating… I’ve tried broccoli, carrots and cucumbers and they’re great!

I am a very sweet and cuddly girl who is so excited to find my forever home, could that be with you?

I am being fostered in Steinbach, but you know what they say, it’s worth the trip!

Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/

or contact [email protected]