
  • Age: 2 years, 10 months (2022-04-25)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi. I am Holstein and I am part of the Cows litter. I am a handsome little guy with a great personality! I am the most cautious of my 3 brothers that I Iive with, but still friendly and cuddly. I have gotten really comfortable with my foster mom and I make the cutest little purr-like growl when I want her to pick me up for a snuggle or give me a treat.

I am still young, so I am not fully housetrained yet. I will do my business outside if you take me out regularly, but I still have accidents too. I am having too much fun playing to stop and go outside.

I am not kennel trained yet because at night and when I am alone during the day I stay in the “puppy room” with my brothers. I do have practice in the kennel when I go for a car ride or if my foster mom needs us contained for a little bit.

I like other dogs and I am really respectful of my older canine sister. I haven’t met any cats yet, but I am sure I will like them.
I love kids! My foster mom took me and my brothers to her grade 1 class and we had a blast. I got tired quickly after all of the excitement and fell asleep beside the calmest student and let her pet me.

I like to play in the yard, explore and I am starting to play with toys.

Are you looking for a sweet, cuddly puppy!? I might be just the guy for you!

Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/

or contact [email protected]