
  • Age: 5 years, 11 months (2019-04-04)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions


Hi! My name is Fergie. I’m 14 lbs of cuddles and fun.

Currently I live with dogs and I also did before rescue. Would I be ok in a home without another dog? Probably. I’m happy to have attention just on me but really enjoy my dog buddies so regular doggy play dates would be nice.

Have I met any cats or kids? Not since I’ve been in foster care but I’m so friendly I think I’d do fine with either. I’m tiny though so kids need to be gentle with me.

I’m fully house trained. I have a kennel but why would I sleep in there when I can  sleep on the human bed! I have manners and am good to free roam. I can be a very picky eater. We can discuss my diva ways when you come to meet me.

I also have an outdoorsy side. Mud puddles! Mice in the woodpile! Speaking of mice..and squirrels…sometimes my recall isn’t so great. A fenced yard would be lovely so I don’t run away.

Can you provide me with an excellent supply of squeaky toys? Are you ok with cleaning my eye goobers every day? Will you be as excited to see me as I will be each time I see you?

Yes?? Then put your application in to meet me!

*ADOPTION MEETINGS may be delayed due to the pandemic, but please apply now to make sure you get a chance to meet me when the time is right!