
  • Age: 4 years, 5 months (2020-10-02)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: medium (30-50lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi, I’m Feeny from the Boy Meets World Litter.

I am an energetic little boy who loves to be inside or outside investigating and romping around.  I love to play with toys and with my brother and 4 legged foster sister.   I especially like getting a hold of things that my foster mom says I can’t have because then she says ‘no’, then she comes to take it from me…. hahaha good luck with that.  I like that game of ‘chase me’ and boy am I good at it.  Seriously though I am pretty good at listening when told No.  

I am kennel and pen trained and don’t mind snuggling in at bedtime.   Sometimes I don’t think it’s quite time for bed yet and I’d rather be with you so I make some noise, well….sometimes a lot of noise to try and make you change your mind and stay with me, but if that doesn’t work I settle right down.

I am told I am a rock star with going to the door and going outside to do  my business.  I’m young so I may have an accident but that is so rare. I prefer to do my business outside.   My foster parents says I have ‘tells‘ and when I do those,  they take me outside.  Sometimes I run in circles then go to the door myself to let them know. When I do this they always tell me that I am such a good boy.

I know I would get along with any other 4 legged family members and I am also really sure I’d like the small humans . Yummy little toes to nip, you might need to watch me for a bit with that as I am a puppy with sharp little teeth but I’m learning to be better at not doing that. After play time when I get tuckered out, I would love to snuggle with you.  I can’t go for walks yet till I’ve had all my shots to keep me safe so we will have to learn that together.

My foster mom says I am so so handsome and sweet and whoever gets to take me home are the luckiest humans. Do you feel lucky ?

Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/

or contact [email protected]