
  • Age: 6 years, 9 months (2018-05-22)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: medium (30-50lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Other AnimalsRequires Experienced Owner

Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! I’m Conan.

I’m an active boy who loves meeting new people and spending time with my people. I’m looking for a home with people who will love me and play with me, but I don’t want any other animals in the house to share the attention with. That’s not to say I don’t like other dogs, because I love other dogs! I like to meet them on walks, have playdates and even go to the fenced in dog park to play with all the other dogs. I just don’t want to live with them.

I tend to match the energy of the people or dogs around me, so if I’m in a relaxing environment I like to sleep (preferably with my head on a pillow), and if the people around me are excited, I’ll play almost non-stop. I need a family who will take me for a good walk every day, because otherwise I become a crazy dog with too much energy! I’m pretty good on leash if I’m wearing a halti or harness that reminds me not to pull. I don’t have very good recall yet, so I can’t be trusted off leash unless we’re in a fenced in area, but I do love to play fetch and will even bring the ball back to you! If you have a fence, that is best. 

I’m fully housetrained and doing pretty well with my kennel training, but still prefer to be out where the action is. I sleep through the night on my bed which is beside my foster mom’s bed, and I usually jump into her bed for some morning cuddles before going outside.

I’d love to have children in my home, but they need to be old enough (not under 10 yrs) that I wouldn’t knock them over if I jump on them, because I tend to jump when I’m excited.

About a year ago my back legs were run over by an ATV and I came into care as an emergency case with severely damaged back legs. After lots of work and patience from my foster parents, I have fully recovered, and I don’t let my injury hold me back from anything! The right leg was worse than the left one, so sometimes I still limp but my foster family is pretty sure it’s not hurting me. I just like to get it out of the way so I can get around faster!

I am a Super Trooper – see link:

I have a few other little quirks that my foster parents could tell you about if you choose to come meet me, but in general I’m just a loving little guy looking for a family to love who will love me back.

Give me a chance to win you over and I’m sure you’ll love me almost as much as I’ll love you!

To ensure you are comfortable with my quirks, I also come with a ‘behaviour credit’ for a one on one consult with one of Manitoba Mutts participating trainers!