
  • Age: 5 years, 6 months (2019-09-04)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: medium (30-50lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: Requires Experienced Owner

Hi! Cheyenne here! I’m a gorgeous friendly husky girl with stunning bi-coloured eyes; one blue and the other brown. I love to be around people and may be timid around certain men but it doesn’t take me long before I’m confident that they are not going to harm me. That being said, I don’t like being approached with your hand out to pet me; I prefer to approach you first.

I haven’t met any children yet but I’m sure I would like them as I am so gentle and good-natured and don’t jump up on people.

I get along very well with my foster canine brother and would love to play with him more but he is a lot older than me and doesn’t play too much any more but that’s ok. I keep myself busy with my toys especially the squeaky ones, tossing them in the air and catching them but, if you toss them for me don’t count on me to bring it back to you.

I have a small animal prey drive but do well with the cats in my home but it was a learning curve at first but we have all reached an understanding so if you have a very dog-savy cat who stands his ground, I should be ok but it will depend on your cat’s attitude to me as to how we get along.  

I have a stubborn attitude, a husky trait. If I don’t want to do something, I won’t! This, as well as not being too food motivated, makes it a bit more challenging for training but not impossible and with your patience and time, I will learn as I am a smart girl. I don’t eat a lot but our breed doesn’t need a lot of food because of our metabolism makeup. I’m not high energy but I love my walks but need to learn to slow down but if you are a jogger, I would be in my glory because I was bred to run. I may never be a dog you can take to the dog park as I have zero recall and if you were to let me off  leash, I will run off and put myself or others in danger of being hurt. On that note, I can be trained with that, if you take the time to teach me and with lots of practice I can learn but dog parks are not for every dog anyways.

I love to spend a lot of time outside in the yard listening to all the sounds and smells around me even on those cold days of winter.

I’m not a huge barker but like to talk a lot especially when I’m trying to tell you something and if you still don’t get what I’m saying, just wait for my husky howl to emerge.

I am a heavy shedder at times so you will learn to not wear black too much  and your vacuum will become your new BFF but daily brushing will help a lot.

I am crate trained but prefer to nap in it with the door open. I am great being left out overnight and if my humans are gone out, I prefer to have my foster brother stay with me. I am not destructive at all if I’m left all alone; just that your neighbours may not enjoy listening to my howling lyrics.

Cheyenne’s Must Have List

-A loving family knowledgeable with the husky breed

-A house with a min 5′ fully fenced yard

-A firm patient owner willing to teach me all the things I need to know to help me become the best dog I can be

-A stay-at or work from home family or someone not gone for extended periods of time

-A hypoallergenic diet for skin allergies

Cheyenne’s Wish List

-A playful dog sibling

-Doggie daycare to socialize and play with friends

-Lots of love and attention

-2 to 3 leashed walks or runs per day

-A couch to sleep on (I’m a couch potato)

So this is me in a nutshell!

I’m not just another pretty face! I am a typical husky and not a breed suited for every family. People see a beautiful husky and want one and many end up lost or in shelters because their owners were not willing to put in that extra mile to properly train them as we are a stubborn lot. I wanted you to know that so I can find the best family I can so please research my breed before you apply for me and if you are willing to give me that great home I need, I would be happy to meet you here in Gimli to see if we are a good fit and if required, a second meeting in your home can be arranged also.

Hope to see you soon!