
  • Age: 2 years, 6 months (2022-09-03)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi. I’m Cannoli!
Just like my name I’m a sweet sweet girl, who loves to play and will keep you entertained for hours!

My favourite toys are the cat wand and tunnel.(Don’t tell my foster sisters I stole their toys.) I love to chase the wand around the yard, and even though the tunnel is bigger than me at the moment that doesn’t stop me from trying to carry it around the house and shake the bejesus out of it.

I’ve mastered “sit”, and am
doing well with the down command. I’m very polite and have learned not to for jump treats or food.

I am fully housetrained and basically crate-trained. I eat all my meals in my kennel, and willingly go in and sleep through the night. I do tend to whimper shortly though, but no more than a minute or 2 before I settle down for a good sleep.

I LOVE other dogs and am always up for a good play session and would do well with an older brother or sister to show me the ropes. I also love humans but because I’m still a baby young children probably wouldn’t be the best fit for me as I still have my sharp puppy teeth.

I have 3 cat foster sisters who aren’t the biggest fans of me and I don’t know why because all I want to do is play with them, so dog-savvy cats are probably best. I haven’t been on any walks yet as I’m not fully vaccinated, and will need to practice being on a leash.

All in all, I am a smart, brave, independent little lady who would love to be the newest member of your family.

Treat yourself to some Cannoli today!

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]