
  • Age: 4 years, 8 months (2020-06-20)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: mixed
  • Size: large (50-80lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions


Hi! I am Bubbaloo of the Bubblegum Litter! I’m a fluffy big girl with a laid back nature and I am an avid listener – I will give you a cute head tilt when you talk to me!

I, as well as my 8 siblings, have lived together since we came into care a few weeks ago after our mama was injured (thankfully she did recover). Some of us are different in looks but we are all beautiful pups! We are all lovable, happy, friendly and affectionate pups. We are very well socialized thanks to all the neighbourhood visitors on vacation, especially the children who stop by for a visit. Who can resist not walking by without getting some puppy kisses when all of us are lined up at the fence crying and beckoning them to come see us!  

We love to run, play and wrestle with each other and considering there are so many of us, we get along so well together with very minimal squabbles. House training is still a work in progress but we do go to the door when its time to go out; we use our paper for the most part when we have to but prefer to do our business outside and will loudly let you know when it’s that time. We aren’t crate trained yet as there are just too many of us, but we do have a kennel in both of our indoor pens plus the outdoor one which we utilize quite often! However, some of us prefer the cool floor though especially on those hot days. We sleep very well all night; usually we are toast by 10pm and raring to go by 6am for our breakfast so I hope you are an early riser. We may wake up during the night but will just play quietly and go back to sleep

We all love to spend a lot of  time outside playing and napping and will go to the door when we want to go back inside so sometimes it’s a revolving door here with some of us wanting in and others wanting out. 

It’s know time for me to leave the nest and make my own way with my new family, as much as I love it here with my siblings. I hope the drive to Gimli does not deter you! Come meet me as I am so worth the drive. See you soon!