Home > Adoptable Pets > Adoptable Cats > Wobbles Malone

Wobbles Malone

  • Age: 2 years, 9 months (2022-06-01)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hello! I am the one, the only, the incomparable Wobbles Malone!

I came into foster care when a Good Samaritan narrowly missed me with his riding lawnmower and stopped to scoop me up and turn me over to Manitoba Mutts. I was all alone, just four weeks old and wobbling through the world unsteadily on stumpy little legs.

Manitoba Mutts fed and housed me and fattened me up, and I grew into the absolute force of nature that you see before you today. Wobbly no more, I love to climb, jump, turn somersaults, attack pillows, and engage in epic battles with my own foot. For a couple of weeks, I had a foster brother – two months older and three or four times my size – and I gave him a real run for his money in the wrestling department.

(I just realized my ominous use of the past tense there. He’s not with us anymore because he got adopted! Lucky him! I hope I’m next.)

When I’m not playing and playing and playing, I am snuggling up to the closest human. I LOVE HUMANS! They gave me all the food and warmth and affection I couldn’t get from a mother, and I am forever grateful to them. I repay my debt by fitting myself into that kitten-sized spot under their chins and purring myself to sleep. Humans seem to like this.

I’m told that I’m a great roommate! I learned to use the litterbox just a few days after I arrived in my foster home and I’ve been a pro at it ever since. I’m a good eater and I’m currently diversifying my diet with kibble in addition to wet food.

Like a Great White Shark, I do explore my environment primarily with my mouth, so you might want to watch me around any small children. I should get less bitey as I get older, though, and if you don’t like me chomping your fingers with my cute little teeth, I am usually quite easily distracted with a toy.

So whaddaya say? Have I made my case? Will YOU be the lucky one to take me home? I sure hope so!

Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/

or contact [email protected]