- Age: 1 year, 7 months (2023-08-07)
- Sex: female
- Breed: DSH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Uhm, hello? Uhm, hi? Hellooo? I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I’d like to introduce myself, if I may? My name is Wee Lady Ginger Pickle. I’m a little shy at first, probably because all my siblings are bigger than me, (they get a little pushy at times, my goodness) but I’m learning to be more confident, oh YES I am!
I think the saying “small but mighty” was meant to describe lil ol me! I’m tiny, but OH I’m growing into my own personality! I’m learning to be fierce and I even have a dinosaur head on my right side to show how fierce I can be!! ROWRR!! I’ve liked everyone I’ve met, but they just have to give me a little time to trust them. If someone has a wand toy, well let the games begin! NOW you have my attention! I love my spring toys and mousies and will carry them around with me in my mouth.
Even though I’m small, I play just as hard as my siblings do, and I even like the big chonky resident cat. I’m not sure about doggies though, they sound scary. I may be okay if they are gentle with me.
I’d be happiest with another cat or kitten to show me the ropes in a new home. Although I’m growing up to be a big girl some day, I’m still the tiniest, and just would like a buddy to share secrets with.
I have perfect manners in the litter box, and I’m learning to use the scratching post. Will you give me a chance and bring me into your family? I won’t take up much room, and I’ll pay for my room and board in cuteness and cuddles!
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]