- Age: 3 years, 5 months (2021-10-01)
- Sex: female
- Breed: DSH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hey everyone! My name is Sushi and I am a super loving and energetic cat. I have lived with my foster family for about 6 months so they know me pretty well! There are a few things you need to know about me first, and then we can focus on how cute I am!!
My first few months of life have been a little bit challenging, but I have been very well taken care of. After a number of vet visits with the wonderful MMDR vets and clinics, the doctors diagnosed me with some ongoing heart issues. I did have a consultation and assessment with a specialist who helped to find out what was going on and now we know! I have some congenital defects in my heart and will need to stay on a daily medication for my whole life to help keep things running smoothly, but I have a great quality of life and am a very happy girl. My whole medical history will be provided with my adoption and the MMDR Vetting Team are also happy to answer any questions you might have before you fall in love with me. Please ask for more information! My foster mum tries her very best to make my life comfortable and easy going and I love her very much! She doesn’t need to work too hard though, because if I hadn’t told you I had a sticky heart, you would never know. It is strong and lets me play and is ready to love you for my whole life!
Now for the fun part! Let me tell you all of the wonderful things about me. I love all dogs and cats, I even tolerate the grumpy ones. My foster home has a big dog and a super old cat and they both ended up loving me. I am incredibly playful, I love ping pong balls and hair ties. I love hiding things under the carpet and then pretending to forget about them so it’s a surprise when I go to look again! I can also fetch!
I am a super heavy sleeper and sometimes I need extra breaks in my day to give my heart a rest. When I am sleepy you can snuggle me up in a burrito and I will fall right asleep. Even though I have a heart condition, I am just as energetic and loving as any other kitten so don’t go too easy on me!! I think it makes me extra special! My foster mum has taken me on hikes before and I sit on her shoulder or trot in front of her with my leash. I am super smart and very curious. I am litter trained but sometimes I have accidents if my tummy isn’t feeling well. I love to nibble on plants and forage around in soil, so make sure the plants in your house are safe for cats!
If you might be interested in me, I would love to meet you. I know my foster family has so much more to say, so if I have stolen your heart, please contact Manitoba Mutts and ask for me!
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]