- Age: 4 years, 2 months (2021-01-14)
- Sex: male
- Breed: DSH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hi, I’m Moonwind, from the Soul litter!
If it’s true that we can all be divided into old souls and young souls, I’m definitely a nine-week-old baby soul. I’m fascinated with the world around me, and I want to experience it all! I love climbing, tumbling, exploring, and frolicking – then collapsing for a well-earned snooze, preferably curled up on top of the closest human.
I love to wrestle my brother, Joe, and taunt the big cats in my foster home. I’d probably do great in a home with other animals, though people are my favourite animal of them all. I am a snuggle machine and my favourite spot on earth is the one right above your collarbone while you’re lying on the couch. That’s where I do my best napping.
I’m still a baby, both in body and soul, and I’ve got some baby mannerisms, like gnawing on fingers and flailing with my sharp little claws when I get excited. I will do best with a family who can give me a lot of attention and supervise me around any young kids. I’m sure with some guidance I will grow up to be a very well-behaved cat.
Am I the kitten for you? I sure hope so!
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]