- Age: 4 years, 7 months (2020-07-24)
- Sex: female
- Breed: DMH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hi, my name is Marla, but my foster mom and dad call me Miss Flouffy, you can likely see why!
My foster mom and dad tell me I’m the fluffiest kitten around! I have super thick, long fur and the cutest little rounded ears.
I live with 4 foster brother and sisters, two are kittens like me and two are older, but they all love me to bits and treat me like part of the family. I love to play and nap with them, but I also really like being in the same room as my foster parents, so sometimes I just like to do my own thing as long as one of my foster parents is there. I really like following my foster parents around, I’m so curious to know what they’re doing all the time! My foster mom says I’m so laid back and independent for being so little.
I think I will be good with kids even though I haven’t met any with this Covid stuff, but I’m still learning about my claws and that I need to remember that my humans don’t like them.
I also always use the litter box and the scratching post, I haven’t met any dogs yet either, but I’m sure I’d be cool with them with time, I’m a laid back little girl that loves everyone!
My foster mom and dad keep telling me how beautiful and affectionate I am, and how much they want me to find my forever home with a family that will love me as much as I love them.
Are you my forever family?
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]