
  • Age: 5 years, 9 days (2020-03-05)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi, my name is Lyno!

I used to be a street cat but now I’m just the gentlest giant. I decided to leave any semblance of dignity out there on the streets and now prefer to be cradled like a large baby. What can I say? It makes me feel safe and loved, plus I get to gaze up into your eyes and attempt to project gratitude vibes. 

As you can see I did lose the very tips of my ears to frostbite. The last little scabs have just fallen off and they don’t bother me one bit!

I do very well with the other cat in my foster home. We got to know each other slowly over a few weeks. She’s pretty sassy but I’m happy to let her be the boss. I haven’t met any dogs yet! In my time outdoors I may have had bad interactions with other animals so I’ll need you to make sure I feel safe and sound when I meet any other pets. 

One of my favourite things about being a house cat is getting fed! I love food so much. I had some tummy trouble when I first arrived at my foster home, so I’m eating a gastrointestinal food right now and that helps a lot. It may be wise to keep me on the gastro food for at least the next 6 months! If you want to transition me to a different type of food, you can definitely decide that with your veterinarian, but you’ll have to keep an eye on my litter box to make sure I don’t have any issues. Foster mom can tell you more about that.

I’m also a very talented boy! For one thing, I love to play fetch with my crinkle toy. Not just any cat can master that game! And for another, I will keep you entertained with my Canada’s Got Talent audition practice. I’ve got a big voice and I love to SING! This is something that drove my foster family crazy for a couple of days while I was settling in, but then as I got more comfortable and got more quiet. If you can just stick it out (or invest in some earplugs…) I promise you I am worth it. 

If there’s someone out there who is looking for the sweetest strawberry-blonde floof to cuddle, please send in an application to meet me! I’ll be here, waiting patiently for you to find me 🙂

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]