- Age: 10 years, 9 months (2014-05-27)
- Sex: male
- Breed: DSH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Hello, my name is Juan (orange kitty) and I am here with my pal and lifelong buddy, Lily (orange and grey). We have lived together since we were 11 weeks old, so we are hoping to get adopted together. Our foster mom (FM) says two cats are just as easy as one except for the love – which is double! ️
We were very scared when we first went to FM’s house. It took me a whole week to come out of hiding. But when I did, boy oh boy did I ever become a cuddly purring pest. Poor Lily took over two weeks before she came out to cuddle. She was such a scaredy cat (ha, ha). That is why I am writing this; she is too shy.
We used to live with a big old scary dog. We did not mind him but then he started to chase us. I don’t know about you, but we hate being chased and we got very scared. A cat friendly dog is important if at all! We have not lived with others cats before.
Anyway, we are not scared anymore. We just like to sit with FM, look out the window, and just hang with everyone.
We use our litter box all the time, and we have great scratching posts that we like to use.
As you can see, we are incredibly beautiful. I think I may be more beautiful than silly Lily. Shhh! Don’t tell her I said that.
I know that you are out there looking for Lily and me. Do not be shy (like we were). I promise that you will love us both to pieces and that we will love you right back.
Love and hugs,
Juan and LilyP.S. Lily says, once she is settled, she will be more of a cuddly pest than I am, and that she is just as beautiful as I am.
NOTE: we are up for adoption at a special fee of $50 for both of us!
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]