
  • Age: 3 years, 10 months (2021-05-07)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No ChildrenRequires Experienced Owner

Hi, my name is Joel and I’m searching for a special home! You see, until I was rescued a couple of weeks ago, I had always been taught by my feral mama that humans were scary and I should stay far away from them. I did such a good job that the rescuers didn’t even know I existed until they tried to rescue my best friend, Billy! When they came to take him away, I had to make my presence known so I wouldn’t be left behind. 

My foster mom has been working with me a lot while I’ve been at her house and she says she’s so proud of me! I’ve come so far in so little time. Now I don’t hide when she’s in the room, I eat right from her hands (sometimes if the treat is extra delicious I even lick her fingers…), and I generously allow her to pet me. Sometimes when a person approaches me I get scared and hiss at them or run and hide. I don’t ever try to bite or scratch even if you come right up and pet me, but I still feel more comfortable if you wait for me to come to you. Foster Mom can give you tons of advice and support and she thinks I’ll be much more comfortable with people after some time in my new home.

I’m ready to start transitioning to my forever home, but I have to ask my adopters to be willing to do a super slow introduction to my new home. We’re probably talking a couple of weeks before I even have access to the whole house! And I really hope they keep helping me with my social skills so I feel more comfortable around humans.

I love to play with toys and my best friend Billy, and I always use my litter box! I know with a little time and patience I can be an amazing addition to your home!

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]