
  • Age: 7 months, 13 days (2024-07-29)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Oh hi there! I’m Hugo (aka Hug-o, Hugs, Hugsy) and I’m one of the bestest kittens you’ll ever meet! Why, you ask? Well, first off, I love people. Like, love, love people. Big people, little people, tiny people, they’re all fantastic. Especially if they have a lap for me to sit on. I am a proud lap cat and will snuggle up and sleep on your lap most of the day if you let me. Why else? Besides my striking good looks, my personality is top notch. Have you seen those instagram and tiktok famous tabby cats? Aspirations, I tell you. I like to chat, purr, and when I get playful I’m a ton of fun. I’m well behaved (for the most part… let’s not talk about the Christmas tree), use my litterbox and scratch-box and I get along fabulously with the other cats and the dog in my foster home.

A little on my backstory, I came into care as a newborn kitten along with my sister. Just the two of us. We’ve been thick as thieves since then and we’d really, really like to be kept together if you can find it in your heart. Honestly, you’ll be happy you did. Two cats is WAY better than one! Amicia and I are inseparable. We play together, we sleep together, we’re just the best of friends.

It’s cold out there, let me help keep you warm this winter.

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