
  • Age: 4 years, 2 months (2021-01-05)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hello, I’m Griswold! I’d been roughin’ it outside before I was rescued in December, but it didn’t take me long to warm up to the idea of living with a family and now I’m looking for the perfect one.

I’m a mover and a shaker and a never-ending source of fun and amusement!

My perfect morning consists of 6-8 minutes cuddled on your lap, followed by a frantic dash to the windowsill to chirp at a bird. I then race around the living room chasing nothing in particular before collapsing under the coffee table to nap for eleven-and-a-half minutes. After dreaming about how nice your lap was, I’ll briefly return there, but then remember that I left a jingly ball under the couch and wander off to look for it. At that point, I’ll get hungry and go forage for some kibble, then check on that bird again before oscillating between two armchairs in a series of micro-naps. Then it’s back to your lap just in time to interrupt an important meeting or phone call.

Since I’ve got a lot of energy and love attention, I’ll probably do best in a home with several adoring family members or with other pets to keep me company. I’ve met other cats and dogs and got along with them just fine, though a slow introduction to any new friends would be ideal, since I’m told I can be “kind of a lot.” I should also be supervised around young children, since I can sometimes get a tiiiiny bit bitey when I’m overexcited.

I hope I don’t sound too demanding, because I’ve got a lot to offer you as well! My special power is making every human that I meet feel like a million bucks.

When I stretch out on your chest and gently headbutt you in the chin, you will feel like you’ve been chosen to be somebody’s very best friend.

When I crash your Zoom meetings and win the hearts of all your coworkers, you will feel like the most engaging person in the virtual boardroom.

When I settle onto your lap purring while you’re trying to play guitar, you will feel like the most accomplished artist ever to strum a chord. (I will probably run away if you play the saxophone though.)

When I snuggle up next to you on a cold winter’s night, snoring softly, you will feel like a hero for rescuing me and giving me a safe place to lay my sweet little head.

Why not realize your full potential as a human and take me home? I’ll be the light of your life!

Apply here:

or contact [email protected]