- Age: 4 years, 10 months (2020-05-08)
- Sex: female
- Breed: DSH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
G’day, I am the adorable Miss Gravy! I came into care from a feral colony with my sister, Biscuit. I am a sweet and laid back kitten who is quickly learning that humans are awesome! Although I’m still a bit shy sometimes, I am getting more and more comfortable with this house kitty statue every day. I love falling asleep purring on your lap snuggled up in a blanket. In fact, the moment you pick me up I start purring. I currently live with a big dog, who doesn’t bother me one bit and a pair of felines who I am completely infatuated by.
I also currently live with 2 young children who are playing a huge part in my socialization. I am totally okay with them holding me and being around me but if I am adopted by a family with young children they would need to be gentle, respectful, and understand that I am still getting used to my new world. I am completely litter box trained and ADORE playing with toys.