
  • Age: 7 years, 4 months (2017-10-17)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Children

Well hello there, I’m G-Pa.  What’s a G-Pa you ask? Well it’s short for Grandpa.  It’s not that I’m that elderly in age, I’m what you’d call an old soul. 

I’m very calm, loving and a total sweetheart.  I love nothing more than cuddling up beside you and being petted and spoken to.  I do have the occasional burst of energy and play with my toys but it doesn’t last to long and then I’m back to chilling. 

I currently live with a small dog and at first wasn’t sure what to make of her but now I really like her and wish she’d let me cuddle. 
I’m a very big boy and when I do want cuddles, I tend to just flip over, kinda throwing my body at my intended target so any dogs in my new home will have to be very gentle and ok with me wanting some snuggles. 

I have lived with cats in the past, so with proper intros I should be fine with one. 

Because I am such a big boy, when I do play I tend to be very rough.  You know that whole bull in a China shop, well, that’s kinda me. 

One of my favourite things is to dig my nails in and pull myself up or around.  It’s not anything aggressive, just my unique way of moving.  Because I can choose to do this on the carpet, or say, your chest or thighs, probably better that I only go to a home with older kids (6 and up) as I wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt anyone.  I’m also just getting used to being picked up and carried.  That’s a really new thing for me, so my new family will have to be patient and understanding with that. 

Please also realize that I’ve gone through some really big changes lately and can be very shy at times so you’ll have to expect to give me lots of time to adjust to my new home and all the people and animals in it.

My foster also wanted to make sure my new family knows that I shed…a lot.  Some people don’t like that, so please pass on me if you feel that would be an issue. 
Honestly, my foster family says I’m an amazing cat and that my new family is going to be very lucky to have me.  Is that new family you?