
  • Age: 1 year, 5 months (2023-03-22)
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi, my name is Bunny.

I’m a very nice cat and would be well suited to basically any home. I’m gentle and affectionate and extremely tolerant. My favourite activity is curling up on a lap or in a sunbeam and snoozing- especially with a cat friend to groom. Or maybe eating. I do love eating.

If you’re looking for a cat who could become a member of Mensa, it’s not me. I won’t be entertaining your party guests with my extensive list of tricks. However, I will keep you laughing at what foster mom calls my “thinking face.” It usually includes some heavy breathing.

I am a bit of a scaredy cat at the beginning when transitioning to a new environment. I’m not spicy or defensive or anything, I just tremble in fear. Literally. Apparently it’s ‘adorable.’ But in a couple of weeks when I’m feeling safe and settled, I’m really the best cat. A Very Good Boy!

I had urinary crystals in my bladder when I came into the rescue, so I’ll need to eat only urinary food for life. I love this food (like all food) and haven’t had any problems since I switched to it.

I’m a sweet, simple boy just looking for a loving home. I’ve briefly met some dogs and did well and quickly became best friends with the other foster cat here. I use my litter box and my foster fam isn’t even sure if I’m physically able to hiss. I adore food and cuddles. Come and meet me! Take one look at my sweet and guileless face and fall in love! I can’t wait.

Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/

or contact [email protected]

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