
  • Age: 4 years, 5 months (2020-09-28)
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Size: small (0-30lbs)
  • Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions

Hi I’m Boja but my foster dad has given me the nickname munchkin.  I am a very energetic kitten who loves to play.  I chase my foster brothers and sister around and when they don’t want to play anymore I follow my foster mom around and play with her slippers.  Once I’m all played out I love to fall asleep on my foster daddy’s chest as I purr away.
I have never had an accident and I always use my litter box.  I love food so if you have any extras I’m willing to help out but if not I’ll just keep you company.  
I have not met any dogs yet but my foster mom thinks I will be fine. 
If you think you have some time for me I would love to purr away for you and make you smile!

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