- Age: 8 months, 17 days (2024-06-25)
- Sex: male
- Breed: DSH
- Size: small (0-30lbs)
- Mutt-O-Meter: No Restrictions
Meowdy! I’m Big Turk! 🤠
I’m a fun-loving, energetic guy that just has to know what is going on at all times! I love to be the life of the party and the center of attention at all times!
👨🍳Cooking in the kitchen, I’m playing at your feet. 🎬Watching a movie, I’m laying on the back of the couch. 🛀Walking to the bathroom, I’m running ahead of you guessing where you might be going and dodging in and out of rooms! I provide endless laughs that’s for sure!
I get along great with my foster sibling cats and dogs, and siblings, but love to play Spooky Cat and run around all puffed up just for the fun of it! I use my litterbox, LOVE my scratching post and toys…especially kickers! I may only have orange spots…but I got that orange boy energy that’s for sure! I love when kids play with me too, especially if they let me run around with them too! 🐈
I’m a big boy with a big personality and know how to make an entrance and of course make you laugh with my curious nature! I can’t wait to find a new place to explore, might that place be yours?🏡
Apply here: https://manitobamutts.org/how-to-adopt/online-adoption-application/
or contact [email protected]