Home > How to Adopt > Online Adoption Application

Online Adoption Application

In order to be considered for an adoption you must:

  1. Be 18 years of age.
  2. Have the knowledge and consent of all adults living in your household.
  3. Understand that completing this application does not guarantee adoption, and that Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue Inc. must approve your application.
  4. All current animals must be up to date with vaccinations.
  5. If your current animal is not spayed or neutered, you will only be able to adopt an animal that is already spayed/neutered.

If you are not approved for a specific dog/cat we encourage you to apply for another dog/cat that may better suit your lifestyle.

Adoption Application Form

note: All fields labeled with an asterisk (*) are required.

    Pet Information

    Applicant Information


    Primary Contact Number

    Other Phone (optional)


    Landlord Info/Condo Board (if applicable)

    Landlord's Phone Number

    General Household Information

    Why would you like to adopt a pet from us? (check all that apply) *

    companioncompanion for another petfor a childas a guard dogother

    How many pets do you have now?

    all of the timealmost alwayssometimesnever


    (*Can only accept up to 1 familial reference, provided they do not live in the same residence)
    Reference #1
    Reference #2
    Reference #3

    Having Trouble? If you have trouble submitting this form, please clear your browser cache and try again (For instructions see: How to Clear Browser Cache) or try another browser. If that doesn't work please contact us at adopt@manitobamutts.org for assistance.

    Note: We will try to respond within 48 hours of receiving your application. If you haven’t heard from us, please check your email spam folder and contact us if you have not received a reply.